Thursday, January 31, 2019

BLOG TOUR + REVIEW: "Live Without You" by Sarah Grace Grzy!

Hey everyone!  Today, I have a review of a fantastic romance by Sarah Grace Grzy.  I had the privilege of reviewing a copy of Live Without You and it's just so, so sweet.  


Piper Redding is a loner, but lonely. Everyone she loves has abandoned her and opening her heart to others is just asking for more pain. She can’t help but blame herself for her brother’s tragic death six years ago, and in her guilt, she shuts herself off from the world. No one could love her—not even the God who promised to be there for her but wasn’t.

For paramedic Ezra Bryant, failure is not an option. He’s had enough of it, and only by God’s grace is he able to put it behind him. But when a traumatic event brings Piper’s greatest fear and Ezra’s failures to light, can they use that event to allow God to mend their broken pieces? Can love triumph over fear, and grace over guilt?

About the Author:

Sarah Grace Grzy is a voracious reader, and if it weren’t for this crazy thing called 'Life,' she’d be tempted to spend all her days in front of a wood stove, book in one hand, coffee mug in the other.

A lover of learning, she finds enjoyment in many things and has more hobbies than she knows what to do with. Sarah Grace is a freelance web and graphic designer, and when not working, spending time with her ever-growing family, or reading, she can be found painting, playing the piano, or fangirling with her sisters and friends. She inhabits the State of Great Lakes, and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else—unless it meant she could have a baby penguin, in which case, she’d gladly move to the South Pole.

Make sure to follow her through these links:
Goodreads (Author page)
(I promise that there are links, even if they show up as black...just click 'em and see! Having some technical difficulties today...)

My Review

This book is a very sweet novella. The main characters are extremely realistic and relatable, which makes it easy to like them and become absorbed in the story.  Piper and Ezra have sad backgrounds, linked by disaster, and have to learn how to overcome that in order to move on in their lives...together.  I love the aesthetic collages that Ms. Grzy made for them.  I think it really captures the characters and their backgrounds.  If you want to get a feel for the characters, they're just below: 

Live Without You starts out like a suspense, and is a very easy read.  I was immediately drawn into the story, and once I was done with it, I wished that I had read it a little more slowly, because I didn't want it to be over!  I read it in a few hours, but like I said - it's hard to put down!  The first and last few chapters had my jaw hanging, and that isn't a common occurrence when I'm reading!  I can't even begin to tell you how suspenseful those were, you'll just have to see for yourself! It was very nice to see a book mix suspense and sweet, clean romance together; very refreshing!  

It also has a lot of Christian elements, which was very uplifting.  I think these characters can teach a reader many, many things.  I felt like I needed to be writing down some of the lines within the book so I could remind myself of such themes!  
Overall, this is a fantastic read, and if you're a fan of Christian romance, you'll want to pick up a copy!  I just ordered a signed copy from the author, which you can do HERE.  It's a pretty good deal and a pretty amazing book.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be staring out the window waiting for the mailman.

You can also buy copies from Amazon (Kindle and paperback) HERE.  Make sure to add it on Goodreads HERE!

However, if you want to take your chances on a giveaway first, she's also offering some pretty fantastic prizes!  

Giveaway Information:

Grand Prize ~ $20 Amazon gift card, Signed Paperback of Live Without You, Specialty designed mug.
Second Prize ~ $5 Amazon gift card, ebook copy of Live Without You

3 Third Prize Winners ~ Ebook copy of Live Without You

Grand prize open to US entrants only, 2nd and 3rd prizes available internationally. Giveaway runs from 12AM 1.21.19 - 12AM 1.23.19. Victoria Lynn Designs retains the right to disregard any entries that they deem bogus or spam. Good luck to the entrants!

Make sure to enter below!

For more information on the blog tour as well as Live Without You, make sure to check out this blog post from Victoria Lynn HERE. 

Have you ordered a copy of Live Without You yet (or do you plan to)?  Anyone excited for this release?  

Also, feel free to check out some of the older blog tour posts, and make sure to keep an eye out for new ones!  This party's lasting through February 22nd!  


Jan. 22
Abby // Spotlight @the_book_worms_bookshelf

Jan. 23
Libby May // Review and @libbymay117

Jan. 24

Jan. 25

Jan. 26

Jan. 28

Jan. 29

Jan. 30

Jan. 31
Michaela Bush // Review  @mj_writer98 on Instagram

Feb. 1

Feb. 2

Feb. 4

Feb. 5

Feb. 6

Feb. 7

Feb. 8

Feb. 9
Ashley // Review Spotlight?

Feb. 10

Feb. 11

Feb. 12
Rose K. // Review

Feb 13

Feb. 14 ~ Valentine’s Day
Tammy Lash // Spotlight  

Feb. 15

Feb. 16

Feb. 18

Feb. 19

Feb. 20

Feb. 21

Feb. 22 ~ Sarah Grace’s Birthday


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