Thursday, July 22, 2021


Today’s the daaay! While I’ve been hard at work retyping, reformatting, and...all the ick stuff that happens after you’ve written a book, something much more exciting has been in the works! First off, I want to give a huge THANK YOU to every single person who signed up to share the cover reveal. You guys keep me going when I get frustrated and want to give up the work. (Yeah, that's the formatting talking.)

And that includes everyone who takes the time to check their posts out, like them, (follow these folks, guys, they deserve it!) or even shares the posts themselves. It means more than I can ever express, and it still astounds me that folks are so willing to help out.

SO. Without further ado.

This is the official cover for the Faith, Hope, and Love Collection repackage! Volume One! What do you think? Check out my blog post for more info, but for now, here’s the blurb:

What could God do with absolute brokenness? With shredded pasts, hopeless futures, and hearts beyond human help?  In the midst of war-torn minds, broken self-worth, the harrowing reality of human trafficking, and doubts, three couples find healing, hope, and love. Not to mention the interesting ways that life intertwines the stories of family and strangers alike. In the Faith, Hope, and Love Vol. 1 Collection, follow the lives of Lucy and Spencer, Levi and Eleanor, and Morgan and Martin as they explore themes of healing, selflessness, sacrifice, and what we are called to do above all else. 

A contemporary Christian volume containing the complete first three books of the Faith, Hope, and Love collection: Welcome Home, My Compass Home, and Guide Me Home.  


So...what do you guys think?


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