Thursday, July 1, 2021


Hey everyone!  Today I'm super excited to share the news that a new fantasy anthology is coming, and the submissions just happen to open TODAY! If you're subscribed to my newsletter, you already know about it - the perks of being a subscriber! - but this is the first day that we're going public with this whole thing, so feel free to share far and wide! (But first, you'll probably want some details to go along with this info, right? Right. Well...keep reading.) 

Where Giants Fall is a fantasy anthology co-hosted by Angela R. Watts (@angelarwattsauthor) and I (@tangledupinwriting).  It will be releasing in early 2022, so that also means that submissions...are opening today, July 1st! It's an absolute honor to be involved in this anthology - it's something I've kind of always wanted to try, so there may or may not have been a little bit of screeching involved when Angela asked if I wanted to help. *cough there was definitely screaming cough*  I'll let you check out the website HERE for all of the submission info, but here's a quick "at a glance" overview if you need a bit to whet your palate before you click that link.

THEME: Light in the darkness.
DEADLINE: September 30, 2021.
GENRE: Fantasy
WORD COUNT: 2000-8000 words. 

Are the creative juices flowing yet? Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions whatsoever, and make sure to check out the full details on the website. For now...happy writing! And make sure to follow Angela R. Watts on Instagram (or her newsletter HERE) if you haven't already, so you never miss an update!