Thursday, July 8, 2021



Hey folks! This is just a quick post to let you know that cover reveal signups are NOW OPEN for my repackage of the Faith, Hope, and Love trilogy.  The cover reveal will be happening in two weeks - July 23rd - and I'd absolutely love and appreciate any help spreading the news!  If you're able to help with the reveal, please sign up HERE.  There will be a variety of options available to you, from captions to premade pics and hashtags to choose from, so it might be as simple as copy/pasting OR as fun as making your own graphics and so on - whatever you'd like to do. I'm trying to make it easy for folks since it's the summer and everyone's busy, and frankly I am too!  And if you know anyone who would like to share the word, please feel free to share with them! I actually really like this cover (I think) so I'm excited for everyone to see it. You don't know how many times I've come very very close to just sharing it and saying DONE -- but I'm trying to be patient! 

If you sign up for the cover reveal, you'll get all the info you need in a Google Drive file the week of July 18 -- most likely July 20th. (I have an eye doctor appointment on the 19th. NOBODY wants an email from me after that. Goodness knows what it'd say. Last time I had my eyes dilated, I was found pawing at the air trying to reach a pair of glasses to try on, and a very understanding receptionist had to retrieve the glasses and also haul me over to a chair so I wouldn't, you know, trip into a sunglasses display. Which also happened.) (Please send help.) 

SO -- are you in? Anyone excited to see the new cover?  Please check out the signup HERE!


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