Thursday, July 1, 2021

Faith, Hope, and Love Vol. 1: Reviews Wanted!


Hey everyone! Along with the repackage of the Faith, Hope, and Love collection (ICYMI, I'm revising them and putting them together into one volume rather than three books), I'm looking for some folks who have already read any or all of the books (Welcome Home, My Compass Home, and Guide Me Home) to provide a review that I'm able to use in the front matter of the book.  You know, like the fun endorsements that traditionally-published authors usually share? Well, if you're interested in helping me out, and also getting an automatic name-drop in every single copy that's read from now til forever, please check out this link HERE and fill it out! 

If you haven't read any of these books yet, don't fret. I'll probably offer some eARC copies later on this year, so keep your eyes peeled!  


  1. oo, yay! *hangs on for ARCs because she’s waited too long to read the old books that she actually has*
